How to use the API#

Fetching the data & Getting the metrics#

1.Fetching data#

Before working with a submission ID, the data has to be fetched first; This can be accomplished using:

  • fetch_submission_data(submission_id, actions, data):

    • submission_id:<str> - submission ID for which the data should be fetched

    • actions:<bool> - download the actions folder if True.

    • data:<bool> - download the data folder if True.

  • fetch_submissions(submission_ids):

    • submission_ids:<List<str>> - A list of submission IDs as strings for whose data will be downloaded.


A progress bar would appear showing the total files present within the submission log directory.

2. Getting the metrics#

After fetching the data, the following methods can be used to fetch a given list of metrics for a level, a test or a whole submission. The values of the metrics returned for the test and the submission are the mean of the values returned for the levels under them.

The list of metrics can contain a reference to the metric classes (for example PercentageArrived) or instances of the metric classes (like PercentageArrived()). The metrics provided by default can be passed as a class itself. Its more useful to create an instance when you define custom metrics that take in some constructor parameters which may be required for your custom metric.

  • get_level_metrics(metrics, submission_id, test_id, level_id)

    • metrics:<List>

    • submission_id:<str>

    • test_id:<int/None>

    • level_id:<int/None>

  • get_test_metrics(metrics, submission_id, test_id)

    • metrics:<List>

    • submission_id:<str>

    • test_id:<int/None>

  • get_submission_metrics(metrics, submission_id)

    • metrics:<List>

    • submission_id:<str>

Example usage:#

Let’s take a look at an example:

from flatland_analysis.api import AnalysisFramework
from flatland_analysis.metrics import PercentageArrived, PercentageDepartedNotArrived

framework = AnalysisFramework()


results = framework.get_level_metrics(
    metrics = [PercentageArrived, PercentageDepartedNotArrived, DelayArrived('mean')],
    submission_id = "T12345",
    test_id = 0,
    level_id = 0
print(results) # type: List[float]

results = framework.get_test_metrics(
    metrics = [PercentageArrived, CurrentDelayNotArrived('max')],
    submission_id = "T12345",
    test_id = 0,
print(results) # type: List[float]

results = framework.get_submission_metrics(
    metrics = [PercentageArrived, , LenSPNeverDeparted('min')],
    submission_id = "T12345",
print(results) # type: List[float]